منتديات برامج العرب
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 انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
نادر المصري
نادر المصري

عدد المساهمات : 294
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2012

انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين   انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 14, 2012 8:21 pm

size=18]Six Year Primary
First Term
Test 1
A. Language Functions
1-Finish the following dialogue with these words:
Valley -What - plane - When
Hany: Where did you go on holiday, Nasser?
Nasser: I went to Luxor with my family.
Hany: Luxor! How did you travel?
Nasser: By (1) -------------.
Hany: (2) -------did you visit there?
Nasser: I visited the (3) ---------- of the Kings. It’s amazing.
2-Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1-Ali: What do you want to be?
Bahy: a. I want to be a scientist.
b. He wants to be a footballer.
c. She wants to be a swimmer.
2-Laila: a. What is Siwa?
b. What is Tanta?
c. What is Damietta?
Nadia: It's a big port.
B. Reading Comprehension
3-Read and match:
(A ) (B)
1-My uncle sent me a- small.
2-We must throw litter b- In Toronto.
3-Where is the CN Tower? c- the pyramids.
4-The opposite of "big" is d- in the bin.
e- a nice T-shirt.
4-Read the following, then answer the questions:
Sinai is in the north east of Egypt. There are beautiful beaches in Sinai.
Many tourists go to Sharm El Sheik. They like diving in the Red Sea. The
water is very clear. Tourists also visit St Catherine’s. Some people walk
up Mount Sinai. It is 2,285 metres high.
1-Where’s Sinai?
2-What do Tourists visit in Sinai?
3------------- like diving in the Red Sea.
a- Metres b- Tourists c- Beaches
4-------------is 2,285 metres high.
a- Sharm El Sheik b- St Catherine’s c- Mount Sinai
C. Usage & Writing
5-Choose the correct answer from a,b or c:
1- Hurghada is a beautiful--------------
a. garden b. resort c. harbour
2- I would like you to ---------- my new friends.
a. meet b. met c. meeting
3- ------------------is the Great Pyramid?
a. When b. Who c. How high
4- French, Arabic and English are------------
a. stories b. countries c. languages
5- There are sixty-----------in an hour.
a. minutes b. hours c. seconds
6- The Temple of Philae is --------a beautiful island.
a. of b. on c. at
6- Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences
1-helping-A nurse-likes-people
2- Sleep- hours-night- every-eight
3- When-was-and-born-Mona -where?
7-Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:
1----------------------- 2--------------------- 3-------------------
D. Punctuation &Handwriting
8-Punctuate the following sentence:
i learn english and arabic at school
9-Copy the following sentence:
I like riding my bike in the afternoon.
Test 2
A. Language Functions
1-Finish the following dialogue with these words:
helping- running- want-vet
Hend: Hello, Samya.
Samya: Hello, Hend
Hend: What is your father?
Samya: He is a (1) ---------------.
Hend: What do you (2) ------------ to be, Samya?
Samya: I want to be an athlete.
Hend: An athlete! Why?
Samya: Because I like (3) ------------.
2-Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1-Nancy: Who banged her chin?
Mona: a. The dog did. b. Salwa did. c. Hady did.
2-Adel: a. What do you like eating?
b. What do you like playing?
c. What do you like doing?
Nader: I like reading books.
B. Reading Comprehension
3-Read and match:
(A ) (B)
1-What happened, Ali? a- colder.
2- Who went to the park? b- younger.
3- We must eat fresh vegetables c- Samy did.
4-"Hotter" is the opposite of d- I fell off my bike.
e- because they're good for us.
4-Read the following and answer the questions:
There are seven days in a week. We go to school five days a week. We
don’t go to school on Saturday and Friday. We visit our grandmother
every Saturday. We usually do our homework in the evening. We go to
bed at ten o’clock p m. We get up early in the morning.
1- Who do you visit on Saturday?
2- What time do you go to bed?
3- There are seven --------------- in a week.
a) minutes b) days c) hours
4- We don’t go to school on ------------.
a) Friday b) Sunday c) Monday
C. Usage & Writing
5-Choose the correct answer from a,b or c:
1- I go to the club by---------------
a. bus b. ship c. plane
2- The diver likes------------people's lives.
a. save b. saved c. saving
3----------are you going to play, Nady? -Football.
a. What b. Who c. When
4- We visited the Valley of the-------------last holiday.
a. kings b. crocodiles c. friends
5-Was Taha Hussein a-----------------? -Yes, he was.
a. swimmer b. writer c. singer
6- You must ---------- old people to cross the road.
a. forget b. arrive c. help
6-Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- The High Dam is in Aswan. (Where)
2- My eyes are parts of the body. (What)
3- I do my homework in the evening. (When)
7-Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:
1----------------------- 2--------------------- 3-------------------
D. Punctuation &Handwriting
8-Punctuate the following sentence:
what happened to mai and sara yesterday
9-Copy the following sentence:
We all love our country Egypt.
Model Answer
Test 1
1-Finish the following dialogue with these words:
1- plane 2- What 3- Valley
2-Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1- a 2- c
3-Read and match:
1- e 2- d 3- b 4- a
4-Read the following then answer the questions:
1- Sinai is in the north east of Egypt.
2- They visit St Catherine’s.
3- b 4- c
5-Choose the correct answer from a,b or c:
1- b 2- a 3- c 4- c 5-a 6-b
6- Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences
1- A nurse likes helping people.
2- Sleep eight hours every night.
3- When and where was Mona born?
7-Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:
1- I can see a camera. Or It's / This is a camera.
2- The cat is on the table.
3- The boy /He is swimming.
8-Punctuate the following sentence:
I learn English and Arabic at school.
9-Copy the following sentence:
I like riding my bike in the afternoon.
Model Answer
Test 2
1-Finish the following dialogue with these words:
1- vet 2- want 3- running
2-Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1- b 2- c
3-Read and match:
1- d 2- c 3- e 4-a
4-Read the following then answer the questions:
1- We visit our grandmother on Saturday.
2- We go to bed at ten o’clock p m.
3- b 4- a
5-Choose the correct answer from a,b or c:
1- b 2- c 3- a 4- a 5-b 6- c
6-Write questions using the words in brackets:
1- Where is the High Dam?
2- What are your eyes? Or -What are parts of the body?
3- When do you do your homework?
7-Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:
1-I can see a computer. Or This /It is a computer.
2- The boy/He is riding a bike.
3- You mustn't smoke. Or -This sign means you mustn't smoke.
8-Punctuate the following sentence:
What happened to Mai and Sara yesterday?
9-Copy the following sentence:
We all love our country Egypt.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
نادر المصري
نادر المصري

عدد المساهمات : 294
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2012

انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين   انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 14, 2012 8:22 pm

المادة / لغة انجليزية
الاسم/........................................................... الفصل/ .............................

[1] Finish the following dialogue with these words:-
( where’s – when’s – holiday - name)
Ahmed: Hello! Hesham. This is my new friend.
Hesham: What’s his ----------( 1 )----------?
Ahmed: Mustafa.
Hesham: ----------( 2 )----------he from?
Ahmed: He’s from Sharkia.
Hesham: Hello, Mustafa. I went to Sharkia on ------( 3 )-----.

[2] Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:-
1) Miss Noura : You mustn't forget your book again.
Ali : -----------------------------------
a) Good morning. b) Hello, Miss Noura. c) I'm sorry.
2) Sara: ............................................................?
Sally: It means you must cross now.
a) Must you cross now?
b) What does this sign mean?
c) When must we cross?
[3] Read and match:-
a) wake up early.
b) when there's a fire.
c) a goat.
d) in hospitals.
e) a coat. 1-You must exit
2-You must be quiet
3- You must
4-It's cold. Wear

[4] Read the following then answer the questions:-
I like my school. I always get up at seven to arrive at school at eight. I mustn't be late. I never forget my books. I always do my homework. I listen to my teachers. I must be quiet in class. I mustn't use my mobile phone in class.
A) Answer the following questions
1- When do you arrive at school?……………………………….
2- What mustn't you do in class?…………………………………
B) Choose the correct answer
3- I must …………………in class.
a) run b) throw litter c) be quiet
4- I ………………my teachers.
a) listen to b) shout at c) forget
[5] Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:-
1- You must wear a ……… when you ride a bike.
a- hat b- helmet c- jacket
2- Mona likes ………… books.
a- reading b- reads c- read
3- At school, you mustn’t …………. Your books.
a-remember b- forget c- bring
4-You…………. arrive at school on time.
a- must b- mustn’t c- shouldn’t
5- My friend sent me a ------------------------- yesterday.
a- postcard b-crocodile c- table
6- ------------------------- is Sameh from?
a- When b- Where c- What

[6] Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:-
1- is - Mona - my - This - friend, - new.
2- time - come - You - on - to - must - school.
3- took – at – She – this – the – photograph – zoo.

[7] Look at the following pictures then write a sentence describing each:-

………………. ………………….. ……………….……
………………. ………………….. ……………….……

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:-

my name s tom ……………………………………………………………….

[9] Copy the following sentence:-

You mustn't shout when you are in hospitals.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
نادر المصري
نادر المصري

عدد المساهمات : 294
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2012

انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين   انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 14, 2012 8:23 pm

المادة / لغة انجليزية
الاسم/........................................................... الفصل/ .............................

[1] Finish the following dialogue with these words:-
(Who – story – famous – bad)
Rashed : What are you doing?
Hamada: I'm reading a …… (1)………………….……
Rashed : …… (2)………………..…… wrote it?
Hamada: Naguib Mahfouz.
Rashed : Who is he?
Hamada: He is a …… (3)……………..…… writer.

[2] Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:-
1) Najah: You mustn't come late
Fayed: ……………………………………………….
a) I'm happy. b) I'm sorry. c) I'm not bad.

2) Marwa: This is our new friend, Soha.
Siham: …………………………………………………
a) Where are you from? b) Hello, Soha c) Hello Siham.

[3] Read and match:-

1- You must be
2- Look left and right
3- You mustn't throw litter
4- Can I use your mobile? a) Here you are.
b) tidy.
d) when you cross the road.
d) in the street.
e) Rania Elwani.

[4] Read the following then answer the questions:-
A lot of countries have famous buildings. There are the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt. The Sphinx is twenty metres high and it is in Giza. The Milad Tower is in Tehran. It is four hundred and thirty five metres high. It is really very high.

Answer the following questions:
1. Where is the Milad Tower?……………………………………
2. What do a lot of countries have?
3. The Sphinx is ………… metres high.
a. 435 b. 20 c. 137
4. Egypt has got …………
a) the pyramids and the Milad Tower.
b) the Sphinx and the Milad Tower.
c) the pyramids and the Sphinx.

[5] Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:-
1 - Let's - - - - - - - a book.
a) reading b) reads c) read
2- We like - - - - - - - goals.
a) score b) scores c) scoring
3- Do you like playing tennis? Yes, I - - - - - -
a) do b) did c) didn't
4- Mona - - - - - - - playing basketball.
a) like b) liking c) likes
5- The opposite of "modern" is ………………………………………….
a) ancient b) beautiful c) ugly
6- Cairo is ……………….. than Siwa.
a) cool b) colder c)cold

[6] Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:-
1- forget – She – her – mustn't – books .
2- practising – is – alphabetical – Ayman – order.
3- born – Were – in – you – Alexandria?

[7] Look at the following pictures then write a sentence describing each:-

………………. ………………….. ……………….……
………………. ………………….. ……………….……

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:-

this is hatem s bike

[9] Copy the following sentence:-

Umm Kulthum was a famous singer.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
نادر المصري
نادر المصري

عدد المساهمات : 294
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/08/2012

انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين   انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 14, 2012 8:23 pm

المادة / لغة انجليزية
الاسم/........................................................... الفصل/ .............................

[1] Finish the following dialogue with these words:-
(visit - Al Fayoum - Wadi El Rayyan – sees)
Samya: Did you go to………………….…(1)…….?
Ola: Yes, I did .
Samya: What did you ……………….…..(2)…..there ?
Ola: I visited ………………………..…(3)………...

[2] Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:-
1) Yasser: ………………………………………?
Wael: I was born in Cairo.
a. Where was Wael born?
b. Where are you? c. Where were you born?

2) Ramy: …………………………………………………………..
Dalia: He’s from Tanta.
a) Where’s he from? b) Where’s he? c) Where does he?

[3] Read and match:-

1- The vet likes
2- Where is the Big Ben?
3- "Fit" is the opposite of
4- Hossam Hassan was a) "unfit".
b) helping animals .
c) a famous footballer.
d) In London.
e) A famous writer.

[4] Read the following then answer the questions:-
Taha Hussein is a famous writer. He was born in Minia. He was born in 1889. He was blind. He couldn’t see. So people read books to him and he became famous. He worked in the university.

Answer the following questions:
1. Who is a famous writer?
2. How did people help him?
3. He was born in …………..………
a. 1989 b. 1889 c. 1898
4. Taha Hussein …………..…… in the university.
a. played b. dived c. worked

[5] Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:-

1. You mustn’t (throw – threw – throwing) litter in the street.
2. You (must – mustn’t – should) shout in class.
3. Siwa is in the (west – east – eastern - western) desert.
4. Rania Elwani is a (teacher – swimmer – footballer).
5. I (also – like – too) like football.
6. I want (to be – being – been) an engineer.

[6] Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:-

1- must – You – school – to – come – time – on.
2- yesterday – they – meet – Did – tourists?
3- saw – temple – She – of – the – Karnak.

[7] Look at the following pictures then write a sentence describing each:-

………………. ………………….. ……………….……
………………. ………………….. ……………….……

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:-

what did maher do last saturday ……………………………………………………………….

[9] Copy the following sentence:-

My friend is from Luxor.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
انجليزى الصف السادس تمارين
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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